Scotland Beyond Net Zero Seed Fund

New seed fund launched to support net zero research collaborations and partnerships across Scotland – awards up to £15,000.

Scotland Beyond Net Zero is a collaboration of leading climate and sustainability experts from across Scotland's universities.

The goal of the seed funding scheme is to foster collaborations and partnerships which maximise the impact of research and help drive solutions for beyond net zero in Scotland. This is in support of SBNZ’s mission to support high-impact research, partnerships and collaborative activities that help drive solutions to Scotland’s climate and environment challenges.

The seed fund will open for applications on 10 June 2024 and close at 5pm on 23 August 2024.  Applications to the fund should align with the core Scotland Beyond Net Zero themes of food, finance, built environment, natural systems, energy and transport.



Read further information on Scotland Beyond Net Zero, and further details on this call via the website below: