At the ‘manage your award’ stage, we help you get your project started. Edinburgh Research Office | Research Community Hub All information about ERO services for colleagues in the University of Edinburgh research community has moved to the ERO HUBsite. To access the information you need, please visit the HUBsite. You can make use of the search function on the HUBsite to find the information and resources you need. View the ERO HUBsite | Manage your award Financial management and post award administrationThe Research Grants Team provides post award administration, support and guidance on all financial matters relating to your research grant.View financial management and post award administration support and guidanceSetting up research contractsThe Research Contracts team provide legal advice, support and guidance for everyone involved in putting research contracts in place. View support and information on setting up research contractsKnowledge Exchange and ImpactGuidance on how to implement your plans for enhancing impact from your ongoing research.Access the Engagement for Impact HubExport ControlGuidance on export control legislation and relevant policies, information about who is responsible for complying with export control legislation, and how to apply for an export licence.View Export Control guidance and support for UoE ResearchersNational Security and Investment Act 2021The National Security and Investment Act 2021 (“NSIA”) comes into force on 4th January 2022. NSIA gives government the power to scrutinise certain dealings in shares and intellectual property (IP) and to intervene in those dealings where there is a national security concern.View NSIA information and guidanceUsing research data from NHS LothianDo you use NHS Lothian data in your research? Find out more about new requirements that apply to access, security and information governance.Read more information about using research data from NHS LothianResponsible ResearchKeeping your work safe and complying with legal and regulatory frameworks.Read support and guidance for UoEFunders Terms and ConditionsView funding guides and terms and conditions for UKRI Research Councils, UK charity funders, International Funders and EU funding programmes.View Funders Terms and Conditions information page This article was published on 2024-01-24