Craft your application

At the ‘craft your application’ stage, we work closely with colleagues in your local Research Office to provide you with the supporting roots that enable your idea to grow and blossom.

At the ‘craft your application’ stage, we work closely with colleagues in your local Research Office to provide you with the supporting roots that enable your idea to grow and blossom.

We offer access to successful applications to our researchers, to provide inspiration and real-life examples to colleagues in the process of crafting their own application.

Timed to coincide with the publication of the UK Concordat for for the Environmental Sustainability of Research and Innovation Practice, Wellcome and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) have released sustainability policies aimed at researchers and institutions in receipt of funding.

Policy, procedure and guidance on funder requirements relating to Financial Conflict of Interest. Information about who is responsible for complying with Financial Conflict of Interest policy requirements and links to the University’s Financial Conflict of Interest Hub for compliance forms and sources of advice.

What to consider in preparing your research project budget, and how we can help you

CMVM Principal Investigators (PIs) are recommended to complete an Intent to Submit (ITS) form at least 8 weeks before any grant submission deadline. This process maximises the level of research support provided to PIs through early engagement.

Guidance on writing an international development research proposal.

Research funders would like to see how your research has the potential to benefit society beyond academia, and what you intend to do to make this happen.

Information for researchers and professional service staff about due diligence, the University of Edinburgh's due diligence process and who is responsible for due diligence across the University.

Links to research services at the University that you may need during the course of your project

Resources and information about interdisciplinary research.