At the ‘develop your idea’ stage, we can help you think about what you need to do to grow your idea into a fundable proposal. Edinburgh Research Office | Research Community Hub All information about ERO services for colleagues in the University of Edinburgh research community has moved to the ERO HUBsite. To access the information you need, please visit the HUBsite. You can make use of the search function on the HUBsite to find the information and resources you need. View the ERO HUBsite | Develop your idea Seed FundingFind out about seed and pilot funding from the University and other fundersView seed funding opportunitiesEngagement and ImpactInformation and resources to help you plan engagement with members of public and research users in the public, private or third sector in order to enhance the benefit and impact of your research.View Engagement for Impact HubResearch Engagement with Public PolicyResearchers from across the University of Edinburgh engages with policy makers at all levels of government and legislative bodies for mutual benefit.Find our more about support for research engagement with public policyInternational development researchWhat to consider if you plan to do research with partners in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)View international development research information and supportResearch Ethics & IntegrityYour responsibilities with regards to research ethics and integrity.Find out about your research ethics and integrity responsibilitiesInterdisciplinary ResearchResources and information about interdisciplinary research.View resources and information about interdisciplinary researchFlexible Resource CentreThe Flexible Resource Centre (FRC) is a University service providing a pool of skilled project management and administration professionals to support the successful delivery of externally funded research projects.The service is flexible, in that we can offer tailored, dedicated support to your project, as and when required. We can provide support for extended periods (including the duration of your project), or for shorter periods of time, to cover a specific resourcing need, particular work package or deliverable, or specific period in the project lifecycle.View more information about the Flexible Resource Centre This article was published on 2024-01-24