Winning research funding

We help with developing your idea, identifying funding, crafting your application and managing your award. Growing your idea together.

At the 'develop your idea' stage, we help you think about what you need to do to grow your idea into a fundable proposal.

At the 'identify funding' stage, we help you to understand the funding landscape, your funding options and the best fund to fit your idea.

At the ‘craft your application’ stage, we work closely with colleagues in your local Research Office to provide you with the supporting roots that enable your idea to grow and blossom.

At the ‘manage your award’ stage, we help you get your project started.

Together with colleagues in local Research Offices, we provide you with the expertise that will help you secure research funding.

We provide expertise and advice to help you manage your research grant. We work closely with finance colleagues in Schools, Centres and Institutes in order to deliver high-quality, joined-up support. Find contact details for your Research Grants Administrator for grants from UK, European Commission and international funders.

We offer access to successful applications to our researchers, to provide inspiration and real-life examples to colleagues in the process of crafting their own application.