
Information for guidance on employing students on your project and the associated Stipends, Fees and IP considerations

Student Stipends

For information on Scholarships, student funding and tuition fees please see guidance at:

Student Funding


Student Contract


When arranging the appointment your School will:

  • check there is sufficient funding on the project to cover the duration of the student stipend
  • that the costs are eligible under the funding arrangements
  • arrange authorisation of payment to the student

School HR will ensure student stipend letters are issued confirming duration of funding and amount plus conditions of award of the stipend.

Your Research Grants Administrator will check and confirm eligibility of student stipend on grant and arrange claim of expenditure from funder.



Payment of tuition fees must be checked for eligibility under funder terms and conditions and clearly stated in stipend agreement if covered.

Scholarships and Student Funding


Intellectual Property

The University's position is that the student should retain ownership of Student IPRs except where there is a specific requirement for the University to take ownership of these IPRs, for example, in the following situations:

  • the grant funding terms for the studentship requires the University to own the Student IPRs e.g., Marie-Curie EST Scheme, CRUK funding.
  • the studentship is a CASE or other form of collaborative studentship with an industrial party and the funding terms or collaborative studentship agreement require the University to own the Student IPRs in order to grant licences/options to the industrial party.
  • the studentship project forms part of a larger project within the University for which the funding terms and/or research collaboration agreements require the University to own all IPRs.
  • the University requires to own the Student IPRs in order to apply for patent protection.
  • the University requires to own the Student IPRs for some other commercialisation reason e.g., a spinout.


If there is a specific requirement for the University to own Student IPRs, then the student is asked to sign an assignation of his/her Student IPRs to the University using the University’s style Assignation and Confidentiality Agreement.


 University Policy on Student Intellectual Property Rights