Research Contracts Team

We work with you to support your research by providing expert legal advice for your research related contracts.

We provide a professional University wide contracts service where our experts and solicitors offer expertise and legal advice including drafting, negotiating, reviewing and signing research-related contracts on behalf of the University.

We support activity across the whole University and work closely with a wide range of stakeholders across the UK and international research and funding communities to ensure we optimise the University’s research activity.

Typically, in a given year we sign off on between 2,500 and 3,000 different contracts supporting research across the University.

We work closely with colleagues in Edinburgh Innovations and with NHS Lothian (through the ACCORD partnership) in order to deliver high-quality, joined-up support to our researchers.


  • Are experts on the full range of research-related contracts, including funding agreements, collaborations, assignations, European Union consortium agreements,  clinical trials, confidentiality agreements, heads of terms, memoranda of understanding, material (including human tissue) transfer agreements, donation agreements and data-related contracts.
  • Provide legal advice and advise on all aspects of research contracts, including data, confidentiality (non-disclosure), intellectual property, publication, risk assessment, jurisdiction and liability.
  • Negotiate contractual terms to ensure optimum terms are agreed and comply with funder terms.
  • Provide expert and legal advice to professional services colleagues across the University.
  • Ensure that all contracts which are entered into on behalf of the University comply with legislation, University policies and best practice.

Who do I contact?

For queries about contracts or agreements required as part of research projects, email our dedicated inbox.

Email us

Setting up research contracts

*Studentships with an industrial partner

Queries about contractual support for PhD studentships with an industrial partner should be directed to Edinburgh Innovations Business Services. Student assignations of IP associated with PhD studentships with an industrial partner are also dealt with by EI Business Services. Email

Name Role Email
Emma Becucci Contracts Officer
Kat Boczek Contracts Support Officer
Carolyn Brown Contracts Support Officer
Rabu Busang Senior Contracts Manager
Ann Greybe Senior Contracts Manager
Susana Guzman Contracts Manager
Katarina MacDonald Tomolova Senior Contracts Manager
Laura Main Contracts Support Officer
Kwadwo Koree Ohemeng-Boakye Senior Contracts Manager
Gifty Pwalua Contracts Manager
Eli Roth Contracts Officer
Alan Shanks Solicitor, Head of Research Contracts
Katerina Taliatzi Contracts Support Officer
Martina Vajsova Senior Contracts Manager
Maria Val Fernandez Solicitor, Contracts Manager
Annie Vozar Contracts Manager