
Elevate Programme 2023-24. A senior leadership programme for women of colour at the University of Edinburgh.

About the programme

Following the success of its 2021 pilot we are bringing back our senior leadership programme for women of colour for new participants in 2024. This programme is designed for women of colour, who are at grades 8-10 and are aiming to move forward in their academic leadership. Taking place over 6 months, the course offers the opportunity to develop a cohort of 20 peers, receive specialist training, hear from inspiring speakers and take part in both 121 coaching and action learning.

We have chosen to focus on women from diverse ethnic backgrounds as they are particularly under-represented in the University. The original programme was co-designed with women from the Edinburgh Race Equality Network and the context of the programme acknowledges the structural injustices faced by women of colour and that it is not their work to overcome these barriers. The University is working on several strands of work to reduce these barriers. The content of this programme is designed to give participants a space for development in their own right and further equip them for leadership in a way that is centred around their needs.

Elevate is a six month immersive, experiential and transformational leadership programme that creates an enhanced sense of connection and belonging; building alliances and community as the foundation to learning and peer support. The programme is designed to provide a psychological safe space for participants to bring and voice lived experience and multiple perspectives, unpacking the intersecting aspects of their identity using creative techniques. This enables the cultivation of a deeper understanding of oneself, peers and the wider HE system through sense making the past and present to inform the future.

This will be achieved through the 6 modules delivered both face to face and virtually. The space will be held by two women of colour who are facilitators/coaches skilled in the field of leadership through an intersectional lens to create and sustain inclusive workplace cultures.

The programme will run from January - June 2024.

The programme will consist of:

  • 5 full day workshops

  • 1 Sharing event with wider university staff 

  • 121 coaching (6 sessions between January and June)

  • Action learning (3 sessions between January, in groups of 5)



Applications are now closed for 2024.

There are 20 places available and applications will be reviewed by Lorna Thomson (Director of ERO), Fiona Phillipi (IAD), the Deans of Research for each College, and representatives from 64 Million Artists.

To apply, please complete the following short online application form:

Application form | Elevate Programme

Information session

An information session about the programme was held on 22 September.

View slides (UoE staff only)


Further information

For more information please contact elevate.programme@ed.ac.uk