At Edinburgh Research Office we work closely with the Institute for Academic Development to offer support to researchers. About the IAD The Institute for Academic Development offers development opportunities for researchers at all career stages. Visit IAD website Research Staff Hub The Research Staff Hub has been created as part of the University's commitment to the Researcher Development Concordat. The Hub brings together resources to support research staff to undertake their role, develop themselves and progress their career. It contains a wealth of information on topics such as open research, ethics and integrity and research partnerships, as well as funding, health and wellbeing, and community and networking. Visit the Research Staff Hub Get Connected: Welcome Day & Networking The Get Connected day is an informal induction event, hosted by IAD, for new research staff and academics, in all schools / colleges, who have recently joined the University. It’s also suitable for new post-docs who have previously done their doctoral studies at the University. Visit 'Get Connected' webpage This article was published on 2024-01-24