EU Funding Programmes Terms and Conditions

Post award funding guides for the main EU funding programmes of academic research at The University of Edinburgh.

The full list of EU funding programmes is here.

Funding Programme Terms & Conditions Managing your award guidance
European Commission

Funding Programmes

H2020 website

H2020 – Annotated Grant Agreement

Horizon Europe website

Horizon Europe - Annotated Grant Agreement

EC Online Manual for all funding programmes.

UKRO EC H2020: Legal & Finance Q&A

UKRO EC HE: Legal & Finance Q&A

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

MSCA website

MSCA WP2018-2020

MSCA WP 2023-2025

MSCA Document library


European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA)

ERC funding guide

Innovative Medicines Initiative (imi) imi funding guidance imi information for grant holders
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Agency (CINEA) CINEA website  
EU4Health EU4Health website  
European Defence Fund European Defence Fund website  
Digital Europe Digital Europe website  
Euratom Euratom website  
EIT Digital EIT Digital website  
Interreg Interreg website