How we can help

At the ‘develop your idea’ stage, we can help you think about what you need to do to grow your idea into a fundable proposal.

We know that the seed of your idea has great potential. And we know that applying for research funding requires a lot of planning to ensure that your idea flourishes.

Tailored support

Talk to us at this stage about the practical steps involved in preparing and submitting a fundable proposal. We are also able to visit your School to talk to groups of researchers about costing and submission.

Find my Research Funding Specialist

Inspiration from your peers

We offer access to successful applications to our researchers, to provide inspiration and real-life examples to colleagues in the process of crafting their own application.

Successful research funding applications (University staff only)

Events to develop your skills

Come to one of our events on proposal development or knowledge exchange to grow your skills. We offer networking events to connect you with other researchers and with potential research partners.

View events

University and funder context

We are able to provide information on where your research fits in the University context and on possibilities for collaboration. 

Go to Intelligence & Insight (University staff only)