International Funders Terms and Conditions

Post award funding guides for a selection of the main international funders of academic research at The University of Edinburgh.


Funder - charities Information for grant holders
Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer’s Association research information
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Gates Foundation funding information
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research FFAR Grantee Resources
John Templeton Foundation Templeton information for grant holders
Leducq Foundation for Cardiovascular Research Leducq Foundation funding information
Simons Foundation Simons Foundation information for grant holders
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF funding information for international collaborations
Funders – US Federal Agencies Information for grant holders
Uniform Guidance (applicable to all US Federal awards)                                                                         2 CFR 200: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH Grants and funding information

NIH Grants Policy Statement

National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF – Manage Your Award
Office for Naval Research (ONR)

ONR Manage Your Grant Award

ONR Grants Terms & Conditions

For further information on US Federal funding for research, please also read our Edinburgh Research Office resource: Overview of US Federal Funding (resource available only for UoE staff)

Funders - Other Information for grant holders
Swedish Research Council SRC requirements and T&C                         
The Research Council of Norway RCN information for awardees
Australian Research Council ARC Manage Your Grant