Research Engagement and Impact Team

We work in partnership with researchers, research leaders and other professional services across the University to develop the inclusive and vibrant culture that underpins our ability to engage with organisations and people to create research impact. We lead on coordinating policy and public engagement with research. We work with Edinburgh Innovations to harness impact from industry engagement.


  • Work in partnership with academic and professional leadership in Colleges to develop and implement University strategy for research engagement and impact.
  • Convene peer support networks for colleagues across the University working in public engagement, policy engagement and research impact.​
  • Provide a learning and development programme for researchers on research engagement and impact, working with Edinburgh Innovations and Institute for Academic Development.
  • Develop and target opportunities for policy engagement and broker connections with colleagues in local, devolved and UK governments and legislators.
  • Coordinate public engagement across the University, providing platforms for researchers to engage with the public including at the Edinburgh Festivals.
  • Provide funding for projects through the University’s Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (ESRC IAA) and work with the other UKRI IAAs to ensure our funding for impact is used effectively. 
  • Work with colleagues in Schools and Colleges who support research engagement and impact to provide comprehensive advice to researchers.
  • Work with Schools and Centres, identify, develop and monitor prospects with potential for impact of high reach and significance, with a view to maximizing potential and submitting case studies for the Research Excellence Framework.
Name Role Email
Dr Stanislava Dikova Research Impact Manager (CAHSS)
Dr Mara Goetz Research Engagement and Impact Administrator
Dr Anne Sofie Laegran Head of Research Impact
Monica Hoyos Flight Research Impact Manager (CSE)
Tracy Ann Lonie Public Engagement Administrator
Dr Lena Lorenz CMVM Research Impact Manager
Dr Shonagh McEwan Policy Engagement with Research Manager
Dr Fiona Murray Public Engagement Coordinator
Taryn Murray Research Engagement & Impact Coordinator
Vicky Zhang

Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas Intern